Reasons why you should consider adding Mango to your diet


     Mangoes are among the most popular fruits in the world. They are found in various varieties . Mostly mangoes are found during the summer season but nowadays due to the advancement of the science and technology, people are even growing mangoes during the winter season by using various technologies like green house and fertilizers. 

       Beside being one of the most tasty fruits around the world being loved by millions, mango also has some health benefits. As mangoes come in various varieties, health benefits differ between them but generally mangoes has something in common which are as listed below.   

Mangoes have various health benefit as it contains following compound in it:

      Generally 225 gm of mangoes contain:

-76% Vitamin C
-15% Vitamin A
-11% Vitamin B
-9% Fiber and copper
and much more

     Mangoes are also a perfect snack as it contains just right amount of nutrients for a diet. A person can benefit a lot by including mangoes to his/her diet. Mangoes are just awesome and improves health unbelievably. 

     Most varieties of mangoes are beneficial but there are some varieties of mangoes that can even be worse for your health. Due to business and earning more money, people are increasingly adding chemicals as chemical fertilizers to mango. This is decreasing he quality of mangoes and mangoes are even turning bad for health. hence generally  only seasonal mangoes (i.e. mangoes which are found in summer season) are beneficial than that found in winter region. So, let's consume mangoes effectively and in proper manner.

Health benefits of having mangoes:

 The health benefits of having mangoes and adding it to your regular diet are as follows:


1. According to a study conducted by Harvard school of Public health's Department of nutrition, it was found that mangoes are great preventive to cancers. Such cancer includes prostate cancer as mangoes are rich in beta-carotene which helps in prevention of prostate cancer.


2. Mangoes are rich in fiber and water. Fiber and water are very much important factor that improves digestion. So, Digestion can be improved thorough the proper consumption of mangoes

3. Mangiferin is one of the primary compounds in mangoes. This compound is responsible to increase the high density lipoprotein (HDL) which is considered to be good cholesterol. So, eating mangoes can help you control your cholesterol.

4. Mango are rich in Vitamin A which is very important in the well being of hair and other bodily tissues. Vitamin A is responsible to keep our hair moisturized and it is an important agent for better skin and hair

5. Mangoes are rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. It is also rich in zinc content. These compounds are very important to improve our immunity .They help us in remaining fit nd strong. So, eating mangoes improves our immunity and we should consider adding it to our diet.

6. Mangoes are rich in Potassium. Potassium is an important compound in regulation of our blood pressure. So including mango in your diet probably will maintain your blood pressure to better and healthy level.

7. Mangoes are great in improving cardiac health. It is because mangoes are great agent in reducing body fats and controlling blood sugar. It is also a rich source of beta-carotene so it is very effective in prevention of cardiac diseases.

8. According to a study conducted, it was found that mangoes are also helpful in weight loss.

9. It helps in prevention of kidney stone as mangoes are rich in water and various other compounds which helps in breaking out kidney stones.

10. It aids in concentration and memory. Due to higher nutrient content in mangoes it also helps in mental growth.

Reasons why you should consider adding Mango to your diet Reasons why you should consider adding Mango to your diet Reviewed by Unknown on September 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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